國際新聞英文課: https://bit.ly/3eTHIvH
語言學習對多數學生而言已非易事,他們又該如何在同一時間裡建立批判性思考呢?為了解決此一問題,我借用了布魯姆的分類學(Bloom's Taxonomy),這是一個用以教授批判性思考的學習模型,分為六大核心技能,每個核心技能又可再細分為幾項技能。此一分類學完美地與語言學習相契合無論學生是初學者或進階學習者,但我們該如何把它應用在日常生活中?
1. Language(語言)
我將以時事與國際新聞來帶領學生閱讀,並使用「最佳輸入」(Optimal Input)來引導學生探索及學習英文。無論是近期的冠狀病毒疫情,還是氣候變遷等長期議題,這些時事都是影響我們生活的真實事件,而非沉悶呆板的英文課程。為滿足同學的需求,並確保大家都能掌握詞彙、搭配詞與文法結構等語言特徵,我將為你們量身打造所有的新聞文章,親自撰寫這些內容。並在多篇同一主題的文章中,重複使用關鍵片語以及重要的語法結構。每篇新聞文章都包含閱讀、聽力、口說以及寫作練習。在這些課程活動中,你將會不停地接觸和使用到這些重要的語言特徵。
Don't just learn about using English, use it in real life!
2. Critical Thinking and Domain-specific Knowledge(批判性思考與特定領域的知識)
3. Collaboration and Creation(合作與創造)
This class will teach you how to analyze the news, express your views, apply knowledge learned in different contexts, and collaborate with others to solve complex real-world problems!
我們將為感興趣的同學提供群眾募資價!而且,只要按讚、分享貼文並在下方留言「English learning and critical thinking go hand in hand.」,就有機會獲得限量的新臺幣200元電子折價券!還有,若你符合清寒家庭資格,只要將相關證明以電子郵件寄至 Vclass 客服信箱(vclass@voicetube.com),經審核通過,我們將免費提供你英語學習課程!
🌎 課程頁面:https://bit.ly/3eTHIvH
🌎 國際新聞英文課程FAQ:https://wp.me/p44l9b-2lK
English can be a powerful tool. Use it to think, achieve objectives, accomplish goals, and find your own success!
同時也有1部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過3萬的網紅Eric's English Lounge,也在其Youtube影片中提到,VT快閃直播 - 英文學習3大問題 直播提到的資訊: 布魯姆分類學 (Bloom's Taxonomy): http://bit.ly/2s44mhB 家長如何輔助小孩成為自主學習者 (Parenting and Learner Autonomy): http://bit.ly/36yl0F6...
bloom's taxonomy 在 Eric's English Lounge Facebook 的最佳解答
[教育時評] 如何發展批判性思考?
We now know that critical thinking is needed to solve complex problems and that it can be defined as a set of skills, but how exactly do we develop it?
來拿我們的【新聞英文+批判性思考: Marketing & Influencers 補充包】https://bit.ly/2YJPZvb
One way is to use Bloom's taxonomy when learning something new. After you remember the information, see if you can move up the pyramid by using the key verbs listed in each step to facilitate discussion and higher-order thinking.
One does not need to carry out each of these steps in order (e.g., apply before analyze). However, learners typically need to "understand" information before they can "analyze" and "evaluate" it.
Bloom's taxonomy can be used individually or with teachers and peers. Use it when acquiring information or thinking about a complex issue.
當你在接收資訊時,布魯姆的分類法(Bloom's taxonomy)或許是其中一種可用之法。布魯姆分類法是美國教育心理學家班傑明・布魯姆(Benjamin Bloom)於1956年在芝加哥大學所提出的分類法,將教育者的教學目標分類,以便更有效地達成各項目標。在你記住所接收的資訊後,請檢視自己是否可以用下方金字塔中所列出的關鍵動詞來逐步遞進。
Can you use this taxonomy in English learning? Can you think critically when learning English?
Yes, you can! Language is a tool for us to decode text, symbols, and sounds and find meaning. It enables us to receive and give information, or in short, to communicate. Once we receive information, we can take the next step and begin thinking critically. Doing so will enhance our understanding of new information and help us to decide what action to take.
Many beginning English learners think it is impossible to think critically when learning because they only understand a few words. However, a learner can use critical thinking even when learning the most basic words!
First, teachers can use the students' first language to help them understand higher-level concepts and facilitate thinking. Second, learners can break down the complex process of critical thinking into simple steps by using Bloom's taxonomy.
As you can see, you can develop critical thinking every time you acquire new information, even when learning a second language. Now you know what critical thinking is, how it can help you, and how you can develop it!
After all that, I am still not going to give you a simple definition of critical thinking. If I were to do so, then I would not be helping you to think critically.
You're welcome to leave your own definition below.
Athanassiou, N., McNett, J. M., & Harvey, C. (2003). Critical thinking in the management classroom: Bloom's taxonomy as a learning tool. Journal of Management Education, 27(5), 533-555.
Facione, P. A. (2011). Critical thinking: What it is and why it counts. Insight assessment, 2007(1), 1-23.
McPeck, J. E. (2016). Critical thinking and education. Routledge.
Bonus question: What is the biggest difference between the steps "apply" and "create"?
Hint: You can find the answer in the picture.
bloom's taxonomy 在 Eric's English Lounge Facebook 的最讚貼文
[英文學習] 未來親子閱讀直播
也歡迎在直播中留言提問,我會親自解答 。
EDIT: 非常抱歉直播時間延後,下次一定會再三確認所有的設備沒問題,感謝大家!
Bloom's Taxonomy (布盧姆分類學): https://bit.ly/3bsqzXZ
A Growth Mindset (成長心態): https://bit.ly/3cJ21dU
Motivation to Learn (學習的動力): http://bit.ly/2RjscPb
Feedback Moves (教師反饋): https://bit.ly/2VQcJZa
Free reading resources (免費英文閱讀資源): https://bit.ly/2XVAj9x
未來Family學習平台: https://bit.ly/3bvPeuS
bloom's taxonomy 在 Eric's English Lounge Youtube 的最佳貼文
VT快閃直播 - 英文學習3大問題
布魯姆分類學 (Bloom's Taxonomy): http://bit.ly/2s44mhB
家長如何輔助小孩成為自主學習者 (Parenting and Learner Autonomy): http://bit.ly/36yl0F6
學習的動力 (Motivation to Learn): https://bit.ly/2uumcLG
情感性和認知性同理心 (Affective and Cognitive Empathy): https://bit.ly/2QAaqYT
Vclass 全站 輸入 vclassgogo 享 88 折: https://bit.ly/37RT6Ex
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極簡文法力 點擊即享 400 元折價: https://pse.is/PLKEY
(系統會自動帶入 "VoiceTube" 折價代碼現折 $400)
老師資歷: https://goo.gl/Xu1cnR

bloom's taxonomy 在 Bloom's taxonomy - Wikipedia 的相關結果
Bloom's taxonomy is a set of three hierarchical models used to classify educational learning objectives into levels of complexity and specificity. ... <看更多>
bloom's taxonomy 在 Revised Bloom's Taxonomy - Iowa State University Center for ... 的相關結果
Revised Bloom's Taxonomy ... A group of cognitive psychologists, curriculum theorists and instructional researchers, and testing and assessment specialists ... ... <看更多>
bloom's taxonomy 在 Bloom's Taxonomy | Center for Teaching | Vanderbilt University 的相關結果
The framework elaborated by Bloom and his collaborators consisted of six major categories: Knowledge, Comprehension, Application, Analysis, Synthesis, and ... ... <看更多>